Bienvenidos a Veterinaria Costitx Especialistas en medicina convencional y holística Nuestros servicios Contacta veterinaria-costitx-mallorca veterinaria-costitx-mallorca-medicina-convencional planes-salud-perros-gatos-mallorca-costitx Planes de salud hechos a su medida Contrata los planes de salud y empieza a ahorrar cuidando la saud de tu mascota planes de salud perros planes de salud gatos veterinaria-costitx-mallorca veterinaria-costitx-mallorca-medicina-convencional artrosis-perros-gatos-mallorca-costitx Nuevas terapias para viejos amigos Gold Treat. Implantes de oro para eliminar el dolor articular gold treat Contacta veterinaria-costitx-mallorca veterinaria-costitx-mallorca-medicina-convencional consulta-exclusiva-gatos-veterinaria-mallorca-costitx Consulta exclusiva Con Feliway y medidas de comportamiento para minimizar el estrés Contacta para gatos veterinaria-costitx-mallorca veterinaria-costitx-mallorca-medicina-convencional medicina-holistica-veterinaria-perros-gatos-mallorca-costitx Especialistas en medicina convencional y holística Combinamos terapias convencionales con medicina holística Nuestros servicios Contacta veterinaria-costitx-mallorca veterinaria-costitx-mallorca-medicina-convencional
About us

Specialists in conventional and holistic medicine

In our center, we want to apply both conventional medicine and alternative therapies to be able to treat any health problems our pets may suffer from.
We also use new treatments such as the application of gold implants to reduce joint pain.


Discover our health plans

Take advantage of our health plans to treat any health problems your pets may suffer from without spending more than necessary.


Our best services for
your pet

We offer a wide range of services so as not to neglect their health condition.

Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Diagnosis and treatment
of our pet's problems.

Gold Treat

Gold Treat

Innovative treatment to relieve chronic joint pain.



Traditional medicine to recover the natural balance of the organism.



Operating theatre and specialized personnel with experience in surgeries.



Specific diet according to each animal’s needs.



Diagnosis by non-invasive image of the entire abdominal cavity.

Preventive medicine

Preventive medicine

Protocols suited to each situation.



State-of-the-art equipment to obtain the most accurate diagnosis.


Get to know us on the inside

Get to know us
on the inside

Below, you can see our modern facilities and our technological equipment.


Save with our campaigns

Take advantage of our campaigns to treat any health problems your pets may suffer from without spending more than necessary.


Coming soon


Coming soon


Coming soon

Follow our stories on instagram

You can follow us on our social networks and discover fantastic stories about our furry friends.

We're On Instagram
Vos presentam el nou horari del centre. Recordeu que podeu demanar cita prèvia a través del telèfon 971 87 60 75, al whatsapp 630 40 32 15 o en persona a la clínica situada al C/Major 5, Costitx.

Os presentamos el nuevo horario del centro. Recuerde que puede pedir cita previa a través del teléfono 971 87 60 75, en el whatsapp 630 40 32 15 o en persona en la clínica situada en la C/Major 5, Costitx.
Comença la campanya de prevenció contra la leishmaniosis. Reserva la teva cita aquest mes de febrer i març i aprofita el 15% de descompte. Podeu demanar cita contactant al número de telèfon 971 87 60 75, al whatsapp 630 40 32 15, o en persona a la clínica situada al C/Major 5, Costitx.

Empieza la campaña de prevención contra la leishmaniosis. Reserva tu cita este mes de febrero o marzo y aprovecha el 15% de descuento. Podei reservar cita contactando al número de teléfono 971 87 60 75, en el whatsapp 630 40 32 15, o en persona en la clínica situada en la C/Major 5, Costitx.
Moixeta de uns 6 mesos aprox. Te problemas neurològics i busca una famili que l'adopti.
Trobat pel carrer vent. És molt ximple. Si colcú sap de qui és s'agraeix l'ajuda! :)
Perdoneu les molèsties.
Per Gener ja ampliarem s'horari!
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️JA L'HEM TROBAT!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Carrer Major, 5
For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us!
Mobile phone: (+34) 630 403 215

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